Wednesday, September 28, 2016

California Redwoods

We spent a week in northern California hiking and driving through the national and state redwood forests there.  These are such large trees it is hard to capture them in pictures.

From the base of a single redwood to its canopy.

Even the bark on these trees is huge.

Tree grove. 

Tree canopy views.

These trees are so large when they fall across trails it is easier to cut paths through them.

This tree arch is a living tree bent over by another tree and then several limbs began growing as trees.

When driving on access roads to get to hiking areas they tell you the road is often a single lane but they don't say how big the lane isn't.  In the second shot you can really see how dry it has been in California the past couple of years.  All the white you see is dust build up from road dust.

1 comment:

  1. The tress are phenominal.....I'll bet it really makes you feel as if you stepped into another
